Kā darbojas Ordoline

Ordoline kapes ir plānas un caurspīdīgas, tādēļ ir maz pamanāmas uz zobiem. Tās var izņemt ēšanas laikā, tāpēc tām nav nepieciešama īpaša kopšana. Kapes ar nelielu mehānisku spēku pakāpeniski virza zobus pareizajā stāvoklī, līdz tiek iegūts plānotais rezultāts. Tās ir jāmaina ik pēc divām nedēļām.

Konsultācija un diagnostika izvēlētajā klīnikā

Pacients reģistrējas pirmreizējai konsultācijai un izmeklējumiem sertificētā Ordoline klīnikā.

  • Izvēlies klīniku un pieraksties uz konsultāciju
  • Konsultācija un 3D skenēšana/ zobu nospiedums
  • Ārstēšanas plāna sagatavošana

Zobu taisnošana ar Ordoline

Ordoline izveidos individuālu ārstēšanas plānu un kapes. Saņemsi ārstēšanas plāna detalizētas instrukcijas.

  • Ārstēšanas plāna apskate un pirmo kapju nodošana
  • Kontroles vizītes
  • Ārstēšanas rezultāta novērtējums

Rezultāta noturēšana

Pēc zobu iztaisnošanas tie ir jānotur iegūtajā pozīcijā. To palīdz izdarīt noturošā nakts kape jeb reteineris.

  • Rezultāta saglabāšana

Development of your individual treatment

Digital treatment plan is the key to an excellent result

A digital treatment plan

Development of your treatment starts with the creation of the digital treatment plan which is the foundation of aligner treatment. It's developed based on the data that the doctor gathers during your initial visit and later is used to produce your individual aligners.

Visual roadmap

The plan is like a roadmap that visually describes the entire treatment process, required teeth movements, and treatment duration to achieve desired results. It also shows the results patient will achieve by the end of the treatment.

Quality control

To ensure the highest treatment plan quality and instant applicability, Ordoline employs a double-control system. Treatment plans are thoroughly inspected by Ordoline team of orthodontic experts and only after their approval, the plan is sent to your doctor for the final verification.

Digitālais ārstēšanas plāns

The production of aligners is a knowledge-intensive process

  • Models of teeth positions

    To produce aligners, firstly plastic models of your teeth position at every treatment stage are made. These models represent planned teeth movements and are used to produce individual aligners which will guide teeth into planned positions.

  • Aligner production

    Ordoline aligners are made from the PET-G thermoplastic polyester to produce allergy-free, nearly invisible, comfortable, and effective aligners.

  • Preparation

    At the Ordoline center, each aligner is carefully cut by the lines of your gums to prevent gum recession.


Ordoline partner doctors, orthodontists and digital technicians are involved in your treatment development.

  • Comfort assurance

    Aligners are hand-polished to ensure the highest wearing comfort.

  • Preparation for dispatch

    At the last production stage, your produced aligners are thoroughly inspected, packed, and are ready to be dispatched.