Vebināra ieraksts „Aligner indications and workflows“

Vebināra ieraksts „Aligner indications and workflows“



Dr. Andrius Pocevičius

The second webinar in the webinar cycle.

This course discusses the indications for aligner treatment and equips participants with the knowledge to appropriately determine if aligner treatment is suitable for their patients. Participants will also learn how to carry out the first consultation. Moreover, this webinar provides an in-depth overview of the aligner workflows that doctors manage and patients undergo, giving an insight into the processes from clinical and digital perspectives. At the end of this course, doctors will be able to successfully incorporate these workflows into their practice.

After this online course, participants will:

  • Understand the possibilities that aligner therapy presents;
  • Comprehend how to assess the difficulty of each case;
  • Decide whether aligners are the appropriate path to achieve optimal treatment outcomes for a given clinical situation;
  • Understand digital and clinical workflow of the Ordoline aligner system;
  • Understand the patient journey steps, including all procedures from the initial consultation to the completion of the treatment;
  • Learn how to perform the first consultation with the patient and obtain the needed patient records.

This webinar was held in English. 

This webinar is a part of Ordoline Academy-Essentials webinar series. You can register for this webinar only or subscribe for the entire webinar series here.


Dr. Andrius Pocevičius

Dr. Andrius Pocevičius

  • 1998. gadā Andrius Pocevičius absolvējis Kauņas Medicīnas Universitāti. 
  • 2002. gadā viņš pabeidza ortodontijas rezidentūras studijas Viļņas Universitātē.
  • Pēc tam viņš uzsāka doktorantūras studijas, vienlaikus pasniedzot ortodontiju zobārstniecības studentiem un ortodontijas rezidentiem. Šajā laikā viņš strādāja par ārstu-ortodontu.
  • 2005.-2006. gadā Andrius Pocevičius ieguva vērtīgu pieredzi kā ārsts ortodonts Lielbritānijā. 
  • Kopš 2005. gada viņš ir Pasaules Ortodontu Federācijas biedrs. 
  • 2006. gadā viņš kļuva par sertificētu Invisalign ortodontu.
  • Kopš 2002. gada Andrius Pocevičius strādā klīnikā "Baldentas" par ārstu-ortodontu.