Vebināra ieraksts „The attachments“
Dr. Robertas Kirlys
The fourth webinar from webinar cycle
Join this webinar to learn about the role and the correct application of attachments and elastics in our aligner therapy. Attachments are small composite bulges that produce force to obtain tooth movements, while other auxiliaries, such as elastics, facilitate more difficult movements and are considered in more challenging orthodontic cases.
During this webinar, you will:
- Gain knowledge on the various types of attachments and elastics used in our aligner system;
- Understand the purpose and application of these elements based on their form, size, and force;
- Learn how to read instructions provided to you by our team concerning the placement of attachments and buttons for elastics;
- Comprehend when and how to place these elements according to your patient’s treatment plan.
This webinar will be held in English.
This webinar is a part of Ordoline Academy-Essentials webinar series. You can register for this webinar only or subscribe for the entire webinar series. More information is available here.
Dr. Robertas Kirlys
- Dr. Robertas Kirlys ir ortodonts un zobu protēzists.
- Strādā vienā no lielākajām privātajām klīnikām Lietuvā "VIC klinika".
- Dr. Kirlys vada arī vairākas lekcijas par zobu izlīdzināšanas kapēm, palīdzot zobārstiem un ortodontiem veiksmīgi uzsākt pacientu ārstēšanu ar Ordoline kapēm, kā arī papildināt esošās zināšanas un prasmes.